1917 Glenn Curtiss Aeroplane Patent Artwork 2 - Gray

by Nikki Marie Smith
1917 Glenn Curtiss Aeroplane Patent Artwork 2 - Gray
Nikki Marie Smith
Digital Art - Digital Art
Inspired by a 1917 Aeroplane patent by Glenn Hammond Curtiss, who would one day be considered "The Father of Naval Aviation" and "Founder of the American Aircraft Industry," this modern patent artwork celebrates the industry and inventive spirit of the American people. This vintage airplane patent art would make a great gift for a pilot or history buff! Part of a set of artwork ispired by Glenn Curtiss patents, and available in a variety of styles. Collect all Glenn Curtiss patent artwork pieces for a brag-worthy collection.
You can see more of Nikki Smith's artwork on her website, http://BookSmithStudio.com or purchase fine art prints at http://nikkimarie-smith.artistwebsites.com
Copyright 2014 Nikki Smith of BookSmithStudio.com; All Rights Reserved. Inspired by US Patent Office source material for main figure(s).
May 23rd, 2014