Chase Your Dreams

by Nikki Smith
Chase Your Dreams
Nikki Smith
Digital Art - Digital Watercolor
Chase Your Dreams is a digital watercolor by artist Nikki Smith of BookSmithStudio.com perfect for anyone who loves the pagentry and grace of the sport of figure skating. For any girl who is chasing a big dream, this is an inspirational reminder that you can achieve anything you set your mind and heart to. Just put one skate in front of the other and breathe...
This artwork was created stroke by stroke and layer by layer by artist Nikki Smith with love and exceptional attention to detail. It will look fabulous on your wall and makes a great gift for the figure skater or young dreamer in your life - go for it!
To see more of my artwork, including more in this popular series of digital watercolors for music and dance lovers, visit http://BookSmithStudio.com .
A kind thank you to:
Figure skater Isabelle (one of the most hard working and talented young ladies I know!) doing a spiral while ice skating
Photographer Hank An
Copyright 2013 by Nikki Smith of BookSmithStudio.com; All Rights Reserved.
May 18th, 2013
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Comments (17)

Joyce Dickens
I am in awe dear Nikki, as this is so beautiful and awe inspiring.....another signature Masterpiece.....I can hear the music as she gracefully glides across the ice.......so special and so full of life.....you have an amazing talent and you brighten my life with your incredible artwork! Joyce