Gypsy Serenade in Black and White

by Nikki Marie Smith
Gypsy Serenade in Black and White
Nikki Marie Smith
Digital Art - Digital Art
Gypsy Serenade is a digital watercolor painting which reflects both wanderlust and joyful music. This is perfect artwork for any music lover or musician!
This artwork was lovingly painted stroke by stroke and layer by layer using digital watercolor brushes I created from physical paint strokes and splatters on paper in my studio.
This piece is also available in full color, as well as a version with lace and paper flowers, inspired by the song "Gypsy" by Fleetwood Mac featuring Stevie Nicks.
You can see more of my artwork on my website, http://BookSmithStudio.com or purchase fine art prints at http://nikkimarie-smith.artistwebsites.com
Copyright 2012 Nikki Smith of BookSmithStudio.com; All Rights Reserved.
A kind thank-you to the beautiful model and photographer Gemma Wright, http://dazzle-stock.deviantart.com
February 26th, 2021
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Comments (6)

Gull G
"Art is the stored honey of the human soul, gathered on wings of misery and travail." -- Congratulations on your recent sale of this amazing Work!

Lori Kingston
Oh, wow. Now I'm even more impressed! This is absolutely amazing!!! The detail -- just wow! Apologies for underestimating the work you did.

Lori Kingston
Rereading your description -- this looks like a photo because it IS a photo -- LOL -- digital watercolor. Still, an impressive image. :)
Nikki Marie Smith replied:
No, Lori, this is a digital painting. I painted it stroke by stroke and layer by layer using digital watercolor brushes I created from paint strokes and splatters on paper. It is an intense process! I always credit the model and photographer that inspire my art, but the artwork itself is painted, not a photo.