On Tippie Toes

by Nikki Smith
On Tippie Toes
Nikki Smith
Digital Art - Digital Watercolor
On Tippie Toes is a digital watercolor painting, perfect artwork for any ballet or music lover!
You can see more of my artwork on my website, http://BookSmithStudio.com or purchase fine art prints at http://nikkimarie-smith.artistwebsites.com
Copyright 2012 Nikki Smith of BookSmithStudio.com; All Rights Reserved.
October 7th, 2012
Similar Subjects
Comments (25)

Sven Fischer
What an amazing and colorful artwork Nikki! I like your style. Keep it up and congratulations on your sale! ................................Sven.

Victoria Tekhtilova
I'm amazed at all the fantastic artwork! invited you - Contest - Paint Dancers http://fineartamerica.com/contests/paint-dancers.html?tab=overview

Gun Legler
Beautiful work! I imagine that what is written on the legs are stories about the pain, the work, and all hours av intense training that lie behind the beautiful pose. v

Nikki Marie Smith
Thank-you for featuring this artwork in "All Types of Women" and "Digital Art Styles" groups!