Sound Waves in Black and White

by Nikki Marie Smith
Sound Waves in Black and White
Nikki Marie Smith
Digital Art - Digital Art
"Sound Waves" (in color or black and white) is a digital watercolor by artist Nikki Smith. Composing and performing music is an act of creation, turning noise into powerful, emotive story telling and bringing order to chaos. There is a deep corelation between the act of painting and the act of song writing, which is why I've always been drawn to music with my artwork. Music is color in a world of black and white; waves of memory and emotion that wash over us and transport us in time and space. I hope this artwork inspires you to create and share your own music with the world.
Copyright Nikki Smith, 2020; All Rights Reserved. Responsible social sharing with credit and a link encouraged!
September 8th, 2020