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December 5th, 2011
Texas artist Nikki Smith captures the majesty of historic downtown Bryan in her unique "wee planet" photography. Her artwork, recently published in the Sept/Oct issue of Cloth Paper Scissors magazine, allows the viewer to see a small street or rural scene as a complete mini-world unto itself.
Nikki fell in love with wee planets as an art form in 2008 and hasn't looked back since. "You can take a vacation from the everyday and imagine yourself exploring a little planet of your very own." She was thrilled to finally create a planet featuring her home of Bryan, Texas. "I love the facades of the historic downtown buildings. They were perfect planet fodder!"
Nikki's technique involves taking a series of photographs to create a 360 degree panorama. She then uses a combination of mixed-media skills and digital "magic" to transform the panorama into a unique, photo-realistic mini-planet.
"I enjoy being creative and...