Gypsy Serenade

by Nikki Smith
Gypsy Serenade
Nikki Smith
Digital Art - Digital Watercolor
Gypsy Serenade is a digital watercolor painting which reflects both wanderlust and joyful music. This is perfect artwork for any music lover or musician!
------ Contest Winner! ---------
This artwork tied for 1st/2nd in the Jan. 2014 'Women and Guitars' competition, along with my own best selling 'Guitar Siren' artwork. See:
You can see more of my artwork on my website, http://BookSmithStudio.com or purchase fine art prints at http://nikkimarie-smith.artistwebsites.com
Copyright 2012 Nikki Smith of BookSmithStudio.com; All Rights Reserved.
A kind thank-you to the beautiful model and photographer Gemma Wright, http://dazzle-stock.deviantart.com
August 21st, 2012
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Comments (69)

Robert Pankey
Still love your works of art Nikki. Hope you are well. Pankey
Nikki Smith replied:
Thanks, Bob! You and Jill both continue to inspire me. If you are ever in the Wimberley area you are always welcome; it has been too long. Happy New Year! ~Nikki