Icarus Human Flight Patent Artwork - Vintage

by Nikki Smith
Icarus Human Flight Patent Artwork - Vintage
Nikki Smith
Digital Art - Digital Artwork
In Greek mythology, Icarus is the son of the master craftsman Daedalus. The main story told about Icarus is his attempt to escape from Crete by means of wings that his father constructed from feathers and wax. He ignored instructions not to fly too close to the sun, and the melting wax caused him to fall into the sea where he drowned.
For as long as time existed, man has dreamt of flying. This is just one of the many fanciful inventions in history for human-powered flight, mimicing the wings and tail of a bird to create a wearable flying machine. This US patent was issued to inventor R J Spalding in 1889. It would make an amazing fine art gift for an aircraft pilot, an engineer, inventor, or anyone who dreams of flying (as I do!)
Copyright 2013 by Nikki Smith of BookSmithStudio.com; All Rights Reserved. Includes US Patent Office source material for main figure(s). You can see more of Nikki Smith's artwork on her website, http://BookSmithStudio.com or purchase fine art prints at http://nikkimarie-smith.artistwebsites.com
October 26th, 2013